Carson County Obituaries
Source: Social
Security Administration
Margaret Kimbrell
2007 - 1998
Margaret Kimbrell died on December 4, 1998.
Born March 4, 2007, Kimbrell was -9 years old and lived
in Skellytown, TX.
Carter Phillips
1925 - 1998
Carter Phillips died on November 12, 1998.
Born May 3, 1925, Phillips was 73 years old and lived in
Skellytown, TX.
Jackie Lester
1919 - 1998
Jackie Lester died on October 14, 1998.
Born July 19, 1919, Lester was 79 years old and lived in
Skellytown, TX.
Julia Stephenson
1895 - 1998
Julia Stephenson died on October 10, 1998.
Born July 19, 1895, Stephenson was 103 years old and
lived in Skellytown, TX.
Eva Hooks
1914 - 1998
Eva Hooks died on June 20, 1998.
Born August 20, 1914, Hooks was 83 years old and lived in
Skellytown, TX.
Helen Wood
1903 - 1998
Helen Wood died on May 28, 1998.
Born November 12, 1903, Wood was 94 years old and lived
in Skellytown, TX.
Ben Hand
1917 - 1998
Ben Hand died on March 13, 1998.
Born May 26, 1917, Hand was 80 years old and lived in
Skellytown, TX.
James Boothe
1917 - 1998
James Boothe died on February 2, 1998.
Born December 13, 1917, Boothe was 80 years old and lived
in Skellytown, TX.
C Smoot
1914 - 1998
C Smoot died on January 2, 1998.
Born May 31, 1914, Smoot was 83 years old and lived in
Skellytown, TX.
This page
was last updated July 6, 2008.