Citizens Cemetery
transcription submitted by Paula Hayworth
updates submitted by Billie Harris Shaffer
Citizens Cemetery, Clarendon, Donley County, Texas (B)
Submitted by Paula Hayworth
Transcribed by Jo Shaller, JoAnne Brown, Paula Hayworth.
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Gloria B. Mayfield
TX Tombstone Project ManagerThe submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.
Surnames beginning with 'G'
LastName OtherNames Birthdate BirthYearDeathDateDeathYearOther LotBlkSection Inscription
Gadbury Lennie Mae Sims 4-Mar 1928 31-May 1993 2511 47 Daughter & Mama, In loving memory
Gaines Will 16-Jul 1890 3-Jul 1966WW I 4 82 33 Texas Pvt Co D 412 Res Lab BNQNC
Gaines Ben Arthur 1968 1969 33
Gaither Bill 1902 1942 2395 4 Father
Gaither Henrietta 1907 1941 2395 4 Mother
Gardner Patti 22-Jun 1940 3545 53 Married Jul 11 1981-we finished our castle
Gardner Hershel 7-Apr 1943 26-Sep 1982 3545 53 Married Jul 11 1981-Building our castle
Gardner Mi 1964 1968 33
Garland Alberta Mae 14-May 1915 6-Apr 1978 4225 29 Eastern Star
Garland A J 30-Nov 1911 7-Jan 1994 4225 29 Mason
Garman 3-Jan 1939 3 81 33 Infant son of C F Garman
Garman J S 1871 1932 4 88 33
Garman B Juanita 28-Apr 1915 6-Dec 1983 2646 69 Married Apr 28 1936
Garman Clarence F 6-Aug 1912 2646 69 Married Apr 28 1936
Garner Archie B 29-Oct 1895 10-Aug 1948WW I 1437 9 Texas PFC III AMTN 35 Div
Garner George Andrew 1872 19-- 1437 9
Garner Henrietta 1875 1954 1437 9
Garner, D Purchase Unmarked 4123 18
Garrett Julia Hunt 13-Jul 1882 9-May 1969 1612 60
Garrett Hosea 26-Sep 1878 28-Oct 1973 1612 60
Garrison Purchase Unmarked 3204 24
Garrison J L 12-Nov 1868 15-Nov 1936 1245 24
Garrison Maud 24-Sep 1905 28-Nov 1930 1245 24 Gone but not forgotten
Garrison Claude 23-Feb 1902 20-Aug 1911 1245 24 Son of J L & J E Garrison
Garrison Harvy 22-Jun 1895 19-Jan 1912 1245 24 Son of J L & J E Garrison
Garrison Barbara J 1939 1941 4288 34 Asleep in Jesus
Garrison Floyd I 7-Nov 1893 11-Mar 1965WW I 4288 34 PVT US Army
Garrison Bernadine Maxine 22-May 1900 6-Jan 1995 4288 34 Mother
Garrison C W 1918 1983 4617 61 In loving memory
Gatlin Byrdie L 6-Nov 1887 1-Oct 1966 2159 14 Mother
Gatlin Charlie A 16-Aug 1884 8-Sep 1973 2159 14 Father
Gatlin Verna Mae 9-Sep 1906 16-Jun 1915 2159 14 Daughter
Gatlin, T H Purchase Unmarked 4 34 11
Gattis Ida H 3-May 1884 12-Nov 1961 3537 51 Mother, in loving memory
Gattis Rev George H 3-May 1881 17-Jan 1959 3537 51 Father, in loving memory,United Methodist Minister
Gattis Ruby Thelma 24-Mar 1909 21-Nov 1982 1577 51
Gattis Thomas Hilburn 27-Jan 1905 19-Jun 1975 1577 51
Gattis Thomas Wade 10-Jun 1931 5-Sep 1999 1577 51 Husband & father, in loving memory
Gattis T A 7-Jan 1845 15-Jun 1925 2F 23
Gaut J J 3-Aug 1881 29-Nov 1913 1 10 11 Rest sweet rest
Gaut Mrs M A 25-Jan 1832 20-Nov 1915 1 10 11 Rest sweet rest
Gay Flossie Inez Tolbert 17-Jun 1922 14-May 1987 3493 50
Geddes Albert S 28-Aug 1886 18-Oct 1955 4334 20
Gentry Albert 1848 1903 3 21 13
Gentry Marcella Phillips 1862 1957 3 21 13
Gentry Albert Lee 1886 1887 4 21 13
Gentry Ethel 1899 1925 4 21 13
Gentry Wm Berkeley 1896 1911 4 21 13
George Linda Hope Lemons 15-Aug 1940 3-Oct 2000 3513 46
Gerner Alma Jane 4-Apr 1892 7-Jun 1979 4387 3 In loving memory
Gerner Henry "Edd" 18-Sep 1880 27-May 1949 4387 3 In loving memory
Gerner Bertha E 13-Sep 1894 1-Feb 1986 2458 42 In loving memory
Gerner John C 6-Mar 1889 4-Jun 1951 2458 42 In loving memory
Gerner Nancy Joan 18-Oct 1931 27-Jan 1996 1616 61 In loving memory
Gerner William E 14-Sep 1923 25-Feb 1977 1616 61 In loving memory
Gerner John H 14-Nov 1932 9-Nov 1980 1616 61 Husband & father
Gerner John R 16-Aug 1952 5-Jan 1982 2616 61 In loving memory
Geyer Carlton Elmer 13-Jan 1908 24-Oct 1987WW II 1502 49 US Army
Giant, Maxie Purchase Unmarked 1144 16
Gibbs Harry Ward 1905 1986 1128 19 At rest
Gibbs Lucy M 1905 1994 1128 19 Wife of Harry W Gibbs-at rest
Gibbs Robert Mack 1874 1952 3128 19 Father
Gibbs Rosie Virginia 1880 1926 3128 19 Mother
Gibbs George B 1856 1937 2146 16
Gibbs Jay C 1894 1972 2146 16 Father
Gibbs June C 1-Jun 1926 11-Sep 1989 2146 16
Gibbs Ruth F 1898 1958 2146 16 Mother
Gibbs, G Curbed Unmarked 1429 8
Gibson Gar A 6-Jun 1913 14-Aug 1965WW II 4596 56 Texas PTC Medical Corps
Giddens J W 5-Apr 1839 14-Mar 1907 1 45 23
Giddings Cora Lee 14-Jan 2001 6675 63
Gill Purchase Unmarked 4 32 12
Gilleon Mildred Inez 29-Nov 1910 12-Aug 1999 4599 57
Gilleon John Robert 14-Jun 1887 19-Dec 1964 4599 57
Gillespie Clarence Lionel Demel 17-Jan 1912 10-Apr 1970 1352 40 Daddy, Peace Perfect Peace, Gone but not forgotten
Gillespie Emma 6-May 1889 10-Jul 1943 1352 40
Gillespie James H 28-Nov 1865 29-May 1946 1352 40 Granddad
Gillespie James B 1922 1974WW II 1525 43 Cpl US Marine Corps
Gillespie Pauline E 2-Jun 1914 11-Feb 1980 1646 69 In loving memory
Gillespie H L 26-Apr 1910 5-Jan 1970 1646 69 In loving memory
Gillham Clara Rachel Alexande 28-Feb 1912 25-Jun 1990 1553 55
Gillham John Rollins 18-Aug 1912 22-Jul 1968 1553 55
Gillispie Hattie Ann Foster 7-Jul 1913 18-Oct 2000 1352 40
Gillispie Tom Unmarked 3432 8
Gilmore Claude Vernon 21-Dec 1920 3-Mar 1993WW II 1418 6 Tec 3 US Army
Gilmore Leola A 11-Jan 1924 1-Feb 2000 1418 6
Gilmore Colure 26-Aug 1896 26-Aug 1980 2545 53 Father
Gilmore Nellie Laoura Shaw 16-May 1909 27-Dec 1999 2545 53
Glascoe Homer 1865 1936 4305 38
Glascoe Mary Adelaide 1874 1970 4305 38
Glisson Oscar Lee 5-Dec 1941 24-Nov 1957 2562 58 In loving memory
Goin Letha Ola 27-Sep 1886 29-Jul 1957 1508 47 In loving memory
Goin C L 30-May 1886 3-Jul 1954 1508 47 In loving memory
Goldston Nate 17-Oct 1882 4-Apr 1915 1111 15 Father-we are waiting in heaven for you
Goldston William Nathe 3-Aug 1912 15-Jun 1986 1111 15
Goldston Willie W 22-Feb 1889 23-Mar 1942 1111 15 Mother-we are waiting in heaven for you
Goldston Gwenith Hartkoff 4-Aug 1916 4-Nov 1989 1111 15
Goldston Eva Ola 14-Dec 1885 5-Jan 1953 3111 15
Goldston J J 15-Nov 1856 18-Feb 1941 3111 15 Father
Goldston Mrs J J 11-Mar 1859 6-Mar 1939 3111 15 Mother
Goldston Dr Joe 27-Mar 1891 28-May 1970 4111 15
Goldston Pearl Brumley 7-Apr 1893 13-Jul 1957 4111 15
Goldston John H 21-Jun 1889 16-Apr 1945 1218 27 Father
Goldston Mildred Ernestine 26-Jul 1911 12-Feb 1920 1218 27 Budded on earth to bloom in heaven
Goldston Susie Elnora 9-Sep 1888 30-Apr 1970 1218 27 Mother
Goldston Eva M 14-Mar 1892 5-Jul 1985 2390 3 Eastern Star
Goldston J L "Leck" 17-Jul 1889 9-Jul 1960 2390 3 Mason
Goldston Thomas Guy 9-Sep 1893 14-Apr 1942 3406 5 Mason
Goldston Burlie 1885 1964 1488 49 Mother, in loving memory
Goldston Walter L 1880 1952 1488 49 Father, in loving memory
Goode Verona Estella 26-Oct 1890 21-Jun 1972 1151 15
Goodman Evelyn Jeanette 21-Jul 1936 15-Aug 1936 4268 38
Goodman George W 10-Dec 1922 21-Feb 1923 4268 38
Goodman Merdith June 3-Jul 1934 21-Aug 1937 4268 38
Goodman Barbara Jeanne 1941 1941 3288 34
Goodman William Eugene "Billy 29-Nov 1919 18-Sep 1988 3288 34 Husband & Daddy, In loving memory
Goodman Nora Ernie 26-Apr 1900 27-Sep 1990 2466 44
Goodman Dewey T 15-Jul 1898 25-Apr 1972 2466 44
Goodman, H C Purchase Unmarked 3 23 13
Goodman, Lilly Purchase Unmarked 2218 27
Goodner Marguerite Cooke 1890 1984 1431 8
Goodner Tom G 1930 1948 1431 8
Goodrich, L D Purchase Unmarked 4361 40
Goodrum J C 1859 1940 2A 13
Goodrum Sarah J 1857 1913 2A 13
Goodson Mimie L Curbed-no dates 1274 37
Goodwin J Hugh 8-Oct 1880 13-Jun 1956 3140 17
Goodwin Leroy 14-Apr 1905 26-May 1980 3140 17
Goodwin Lynn 20-Jul 1919 29-Nov 1926 3140 17
Goodwin Nettie A 27-Apr 1883 12-Sep 1921 3140 17
Gordon Jewell A 1905 1968 3575 51
Gordon Vernon M 1903 1966 3575 51
Gorsuch Ruth 17-Feb 1893 28-Apr 1960 3528 42
Gorsuch Joseph 4-Jul 1882 13-Sep 1955 3528 42
Grady Joann 8-Nov 1933 26-Jan 1992 3387 3
Grady Michael Aug 1942 3387 3
Grady Ralph B 2-Jan 1894 28-Feb 1969 2611 60
Grady Robbie E 16-Sep 1894 2-Apr 1984 2611 60
Grady Johnny 24-Sep 1922 17-Sep 1970WW II 4611 60 Texas Tsgt US Air Force
Grady Jewel Kerbow 28-Mar 1898 22-Sep 1986 3640 67
Grady Don Nelson 24-Feb 1896 22-Mar 1975WW I 3640 67 Sgt US Army
Grady Ella 11-Jun 1866 13-Dec 1938 2B 13 Eastern Star
Grady John 24-Feb 1848 8-Jan 1915 2B 13 Mason
Graham Laverne Darden 7-Mar 1928 21-Jun 1995 4274 37 Wed Dec 18 1946-we will meet again
Graham Bill Ray 1-Jan 1927 4274 37 Wed Dec 18 1946-we will meet again
Graham Elizabeth Ring 28-Jul 1884 28-Jun 1964 2558 57 Mama
Graham J M 13-Apr 1884 7-Jun 1966 2558 57 Papa
Graham Delma Wayne 7-Sep 1936 30-May 1957 3558 57 In memory of our son & brother
Graham Lena Mae 11-Mar 1912 20-Apr 1989 3558 57 In memory of our mother & wife
Graham Harold Allen 11-Jan 1909 8-Jan 1969 3558 57 In memory of our father & husband
Graham Doyce 9-Feb 1917 24-Sep 1984 3688 67
Graham, B L Purchase Unmarked 3642 68
Grainger Fannie Patman 12-Apr 1878 24-Nov 1918 4220 28
Grant T Forrest 1904 1936 3198 25
Grant George R 1870 1954 4353 40
Grant Millie L 1871 1952 4353 40
Graves Florence 18-Jun 1866 29-Nov 1896 3 79 32
Graves Godfrey Allen 18-Jun 1896 18-Oct 1896 3 79 32 Infant son
Graves Mrs Lou 31-Oct 1848 22-Jul 1919 3 79 32 Mother
Graves Royal Bruce 1-Dec 1896 24-Sep 1965 2563 58
Graves Mantie 20-Oct 1888 15-Jun 1969 2563 58
Graves Kathleen O 21-Jul 1901 26-Jun 1983 2563 58 Wife-in loving memory
Graves Albert S 27-Oct 1902 26-Sep 1968 2563 58 Husband-in loving memory
Graves, Bud Purchase Unmarked 4 65 32
Gray Purchase Unmarked 1 95 31
Gray Purchase Unmarked 2128 19
Gray Dorothy Dilli 31-Dec 1914 11-Jan 1988 3132 19 In loving memory
Gray Lela 8-Oct 1886 20-Feb 1926 4178 19
Gray Wilson H 16-Jan 1883 20-Aug 1956 4178 19
Gray J. L. 13-Oct 1855 13-Feb 1922 3184 28 Father-at rest
Gray Mrs. J. L. 28-Feb 1860 2-Jul 1921 3184 28 Mother-at rest
Gray Dr. William 24-Jun 1860 18-Feb 1927 3323 39
Gray Mollie E 31-Mar 1869 7-Feb 1953 3323 39
Gray Freida Adella 2-Oct 1925 12-Apr 1987 1375 1 As she lived so she died with love in her heart
Gray Fred Dale 1897 1946 3375 1 Sweet memories of you live on
Gray Wilda Faye Gibbs 23-Jun 1921 16-Aug 2001 4375 1
Gray M Irene 6-Jan 1895 25-Aug 1980 2554 56 In loving memory
Gray W Homer 22-Nov 1887 8-Mar 1963 2554 56 In loving memory
Gray John Dale 4-Mar 1921 11-Jul 1981WW II 4375 1 US Army, our darling husband & daddy, at rest with our Lord
Green Jessie Walter 14-Jul 1887 9-Nov 1963 2150 15
Green Willie O 16-Oct 1901 4-Apr 1972 2150 15
Green Addie Mae 6-Jul 1885 30-Jul 1939 2333 20 Mother-In loving memory
Green William J 30-Jan 1880 21-Jun 1960 2333 20 Father-in loving memory
Green Lawrence Walton 7-Sep 1949 13-Apr 1997 2685 66
Green Harace Adolfus 22-May 1921 5-Jun 1997 2685 66 Mason
Green Bernard Joseph 17-Apr 1947 21-May 1983 2685 66 Mason
Green Louis M 3-Nov 1869 18-May 1890 33 sonof Wm & A Green
Green, W H Purchase Unmarked 4321 29
Greene Theodore 20-Aug 1839 19-Aug 1915 4200 24
Greene Glendora Adams 29-Oct 1916 6-Jun 1999 1b 22
Greene Joel Bruce 15-Aug 1951 14-Apr 1988 1b 22
Greene William Slaton 24-Aug 1916 3-Sep 1985 1b 22
Greene Tennessee Slaton 13-Jan 1884 26-Jul 1977 2b 22
Greene William James 17-Aug 1891 14-Apr 1978 2b 22
Greenwade John Jackson 28-Feb 1845 23-Jul 1921 3302 37
Greenwade Rebecca 2-Nov 1856 10-Jul 1926 3302 37 wife of J J Greenwade
Greer Molita 16-Nov 1920 4-Apr 1991 3657 61 Mother, in loving memory
Gregg, W E Purchase Unmarked 3314 20
Gregory Floyd Morgan 8-Feb 1912 5-Oct 1912 4 27 13
Gregory Helen M 11-Jan 1904 30-May 1906 4 27 13 Dau of LF & Ida Gregory-a bird too soon called
Gregory Lauren Francis 20-May 1870 2-Feb 1958 4 27 13 Born in Ill-Father "What we keep in memory is ours unchanged forever"
Gregory Mack W 26-Apr 1923 28-Aug 1967WW II 4460 42 TX TEC 5 AAF
Gregory Emma M 1897 1981 4460 42 Mother - In loving memoroy
Gregory William E 1876 1952 4460 42 Father - In loving memory
Gregory, J S Purchase Unmarked 3382 2
Gregory, L F Purchase Unmarked 1188 27
Gresham Gladys Phipps 27-Nov 1907 19-Dec 1992 4592 55 At rest
Gresham George Winn 13-Oct 1903 3-Mar 1971 4593 55 Resting
Griffin Doshia 1890 1937 3316 20 Mother
Griggs C. E. 17-Jan 1876 19-Sep 1945 1214 26
Griggs Lela E 10-Oct 1878 31-May 1967 1214 26
Ground Mrs. W. H. 8-Nov 1858 18-Jun 1932 4106 22 Mother
Ground W. H. 12-May 1854 28-Jan 1936 4106 22 Father
Guffey Purchase Unmarked 1160 15
Gurnutte W. W. 22-Aug 1851 3-Jul 1906 3 25 13 WOW-thou shall the dust return to the earth as it was so that the spirit shall behod to God
Guthrie Pauline Reynold 14-Jan 1921 3-Mar 1994 1503 49 Mom
Guthrie Floyd Earl 28-Feb 1917 10-Jan 1964WW II 1503 49 TX Pvt3502 Base Un-Mason
Guy Liddie A 1888 1981 1535 51
Guy Walter A 1875 1959 1535 51
Guy James B 25-Nov 1918 13-Nov 1996WW II 3575 51 Sgt US Army
Guy Evelyn 1929 3575 51
Guy Hazel B 11-Nov 1922 3696 69 Mar-Jan 14 1950
Guy Troy E 10-Nov 1911 14-Jun 1987WW II 3696 69 Mar-Jan 14 1950-US Navy
This page was last updated September 10, 2002.