Citizens Cemetery
transcription submitted by Paula Hayworth
updates submitted by Billie Harris Shaffer
Citizens Cemetery, Clarendon, Donley County, Texas (R)
Submitted by Paula Hayworth
Transcribed by Jo Shaller, JoAnne Brown, Paula Hayworth.
USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent.
Gloria B. Mayfield
TX Tombstone Project ManagerThe submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.
Surnames beginning with 'R'
LastName OtherNames Birthdate BirthYearDeathDateDeathYearOther LotBlkSection Inscription
Rackley Gordon L 1897 1499 50
Rackley Oliver Joe 1897 1958 1499 50
Rains Lois G 17-Jul 1911 1508 47 In loving memory
Rampy Olmyr H 15-Nov 1929 25-Aug 1961 1190 27
Rampy Una A 21-Oct 1902 20-Feb 1979 1190 27 In loving memory
Rampy O B 3-Aug 1903 10-Jul 1973 3190 27 In loving memory
Rampy Billie LaVerne 30-Nov 1919 13-Dec 1933 1344 30 In Loving Memory
Rampy Lois Williams 24-Jul 1896 14-Oct 1981 1344 30 In Loving Memory
Rampy Melvin Carl 19-Apr 1894 15-Jun 1969 1344 30 In Loving Memory
Rampy Alice J 1867 1941 1346 30 Mother
Rampy Thomas J 1866 1938 1346 30 Father
Rampy Clara M 30-Dec 1913 16-Jun 1980 2496 50 At rest
Rampy J F "Jim" 2-Feb 1892 5-Dec 1976 2496 50 At rest
Ramsey Lehland 28-Aug 1900 28-Jun 1902 4 30 12 Son of JK & Ada Ramsey-budded on earth to bloom in heaven
Ramsey Harry 30-Mar 1857 24-Jun 1932 2 91 32
Ramsey H. D. 7-Apr 1859 20-Jun 1939 2222 28
Ramsey Rosa C 31-Oct 1857 8-Mar 1923 2222 28 Wife of H. D. Ramsey
Ramsey Oma Lee 15-Aug 1908 9-Aug 1933 1360 40 Father
Ramsey Samuel Lee 23-Sep 1886 4-Jun 1964 1360 40 GRAND DAD
Ramsey Mattie B 20-Aug 1920 6-May 1986 4687 66 Married May 20 1939
Ramsey Floyd R 22-Oct 1916 14-Sep 1999 4687 66 Married May 20 1939
Randel D. F. 20-Jul 1871 5-May 1970 1390 3 Father
Randel Charity Margaret 10-Aug 1876 30-Oct 1939 1390 3 Mother
Raney Alice (Mrs Mark C) 1-Aug 1886 17-Mar 1963 3485 48
Raney Mark C 21-Jun 1886 6-Feb 1952 3485 48
Raney Elva L 12-Nov 1907 24-Jun 1974 1504 48
Raney Wallace W 23-Aug 1908 3-May 1964 1504 48
Ratcliff Jassie Lee 25-Aug 1864 6-Aug 1949 4215 27
Ratcliff Leona Hunter 22-Oct 1881 13-Jan 1955 4215 27
Ratcliff Minerva E 1-Feb 1877 29-Apr 1922 4215 27 Mother-there is rest in heaven
Ratcliff Robert W 10-May 1866 18-Feb 1944 4215 27 Father-there is rest in heaven
Rathjen J. H. 1859 1908 3 54 21
Rathjen Katy 1852 1940 3 54 21
Ratjen Willie 1894 1916 3 54 21
Ratliff Iva P 1880 1901 4 35 11
Rattan Roeda H 10-Jun 1901 12-Sep 1997 1501 49 Restful sleep
Rattan Meral L 11-Dec 1898 7-Jan 1964 1501 49 Restful sleep
Ratten Meral Edgar 10-Feb 1873 3-Aug 1949 2123 18 Father
Ratten Mrs M. E. 1872 1926 2123 18
Ray Joseph J 1878 1941 3430 8
Ray Nellie C 1889 1976 3430 8
Ray Easter E 1885 1955 4430 8
Ray James M 1871 1956 4430 8
Ray Claude Leon 7-Sep 1928 24-Oct 1987Korea 2607 59 US Army
Ray V Elizabeth 1900 1988 2607 59 Mother
Ray John Dewitt 1895 1970 2607 59 Father
Ray Timmy Keith 16-Sep 1945 28-Jan 1986 4648 69 Our friend
Ray Lucille McAnear 14-Feb 1924 27-May 1986 4648 69 Mother
Ray Durwood Paul 27-Mar 1919 24-Oct 1987WW II 4648 69 US Army
Ray Cloetal Moreman 1-Apr 1903 21-Dec 1973 4688 67
Ray William E "Bill" 15-Oct 1903 18-Jun 1983 4688 67
Ray Purchase Unmarked 3 69 31
Ray, J H Purchase Unmarked 2214 26
Rector John S 1864 1941 2 26 13
Rector Lilly D 19-May 1891 10-Mar 1906 2 26 13 dau of J. S. & S. E. Rector
Reed Lona Ernestine 25-Oct 1901 7-Dec 1901 3 30 12 Our darling daughter
Reed Julia A 4-Jul 1855 18-Mar 1917 4110 14 She was a faithful wife & mother
Reed Ann Eliza 4-Dec 1854 13-Oct 1927 2267 39 Mother-at rest
Reed M. C. 10-Sep 1852 2-Sep 1933 2267 39 Father-at rest
Reed J. F 17-Dec 1870 1-Aug 1941 3289 34 At Rest Gone But Not Forgotten
Reed R R 1875 1963 3289 34
Reed Bess C 18-Jan 1891 23-Jul 1966 2301 37
Reed George M 25-Feb 1885 9-Feb 1935 2301 37
Reed Albert 4-Dec 1881 13-Dec 1928 2322 39 Father
Reed Earl 10-Jun 1923 2322 39
Reed Gail 22-Sep 1912 13-Jul 1971 2322 39
Reed Myrtle 4-Dec 1886 16-Dec 1981 2322 39
Reed Marion Henry "Bud" 1891 1957 1 33
Reese Bobbie Jean 11-Apr 1932 25-Nov 1994 2546 54 Wife & mother
Reese Keith Bernard 9-Aug 1964 3-Dec 1996 2546 54 Son
Reeves Joseph H 17-Aug 1842 27-May 1920WW II 3273 37 Co G 26 Reg Miss Inf CSA
Reeves Nannie 20-Jan 1846 29-Apr 1932 3273 37 She died as she lived a Christian
Reeves Pamela Diane 6-Feb 1945 1311 29 Daughter of Rex & Lee
Reeves Rex 11-Apr 1905 4-Feb 1961 1311 29
Reeves Annie Ophelia 1-May 1897 14-Jan 1958 2311 29
Reeves Ernest R 11-Jan 1876 21-Oct 1928 3311 29 Father
Reeves Paul 2-Mar 1899 14-Aug 1943 3311 29
Reeves Phil 10-Aug 1910 16-Oct 1927 3311 29
Reeves Willie May 25-Jan 1878 8-Jun 1955 3311 29 Mother
Reeves Anna Lee 1-Mar 2001 1311 29
Reeves Jennie 9-Oct 1860 18-Mar 1939 3390 3
Reeves Orville Clyde 16-Oct 1913 10-Dec 1996WW II 1461 42 US Marine Corp
Reeves Virgil M 17-Jun 1911 12-Nov 1965WW II 1461 42 Texas Nommi US Coast Guard Res
Reeves Della Maude 1882 1952 1461 42
Reeves Wilbur Clyde 1880 1951 1461 42
Reeves Ida V 11-Dec 1886 17-Dec 1976 4501 49 In loving memory
Reeves Porter 22-Aug 1883 19-Feb 1960 4501 49
Reeves Nola B 11-May 1905 19-Jan 1990 4606 59
Reeves George W 12-Apr 1900 14-May 1968 4606 59
Reeves, R W Purchase Unmarked 1359 40
Reid Frank M 21-Aug 1909 2-Feb 1992 1140 17 Dad
Reid Gertrude M 4-Feb 1912 14-Feb 1997 1140 17 Mother
Reid Alice A 1861 1929 2212 26 Mother
Reid J L "Jim" Unmarked 2212 26
Reid Bertha B 8-Apr 1884 3-Jan 1968 4318 20
Reid George Fredrick 20-Oct 1913 12-Feb 1984 4318 20
Reid Horace M 25-Aug 1879 18-Jan 1969 4318 20
Reid Leonard 1898 1953 1389 3
Reid Mrs. J. L. 1891 1943 1389 3
Reid John Roy 31-May 1890 12-Sep 1954 2534 41 Father
Reid Ethel 31-Dec 1904 15-Jun 1990 3543 53 Mother, in loving memory
Reid Lloyd L 30-Dec 1904 13-Jan 1980 3543 53 Father, in loving memory
Reid Glenn William 28-Aug 1932 26-Nov 1999Korea 4639 67 US Army
Reid Patsy Jackson 9-Aug 1934 4639 67
Reppeto Marion Brown 1896 1994 2 33 11 Daughter of Mattie
Rexrode El Zettie 8-Apr 1895 13-Dec 1975 4238 26 Loving Wife & Mother
Rexrode Wayne Carlisle 28-Aug 1890 24-Nov 1977 4238 26 Loving Husband & Daddy
Reynolds Laura Lutisa 6-Apr 1895 28-Nov 1926 4 11 11 Mother
Reynolds Sykes Henry 25-Mar 1902 4 40 21 Age 6 days
Reynolds Irene May 11-May 1892 15-Sep 1956 1124 18 In Loving Memory
Reynolds James Brent 1-Sep 1872 27-Jan 1966 1124 18 In Loving Memory
Reynolds Arabelle 25-Mar 1880 5-Jan 1952 1422 7 Mother
Reynolds Charlie 7-Nov 1875 23-Nov 1954 1422 7 Father
Reynolds Edward 5-Sep 1908 7-Nov 1945 1422 7 Son
Reynolds Henri Etta 22-Jun 1884 17-Jan 1980 4486 49 In loving memory
Reynolds Robert Oliver 22-Sep 1880 25-Jul 1952 4486 49 In loving memory
Reynolds Bessie 18-Feb 1905 3487 49
Reynolds J P 27-Apr 1905 31-May 1954 3487 49 In loving memory
Reynolds Flossie V 19-Jan 1915 24-Jan 1998 2503 49
Reynolds H Clarence 4-Feb 1914 29-Apr 1973 2503 49
Reynolds Eula Ovelene 4-Mar 1912 10-Sep 1999 2503 49 Forever together in God's kingdom
Reynolds Lloyd Lee 23-Dec 1906 24-Aug 1958 2503 49 Mason-Forever together in God's kingdom
Reynolds, T F Purchase Unmarked 3127 19
Rhea Gertrude Lockridge 25-Mar 1886 26-Dec 1985 3 7 12 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help
Rhea Mary Etta 1874 1949 4238 26
Rhea P V O 1866 1931 4238 26
Rhea Burrel Newsome 31-Dec 1921 7-Dec 1953 1533 41
Rhea Pricie May 23-Feb 1897 23-Sep 1969 1533 41
Rhea John Davis 18-Feb 1901 11-Jun 1983 1533 41
Rhoades Myrne Warren 1889 1983 1 19 12
Rhoades Dr Marion Hardy 1879 1952 1 19 12 For service in the Spanish/American War
Rhoades Dorothy Arveta 5-May 1927 8-Nov 1948 3131 20 The Lord Is My Shepherd
Rhoades Addie Mary 27-May 1881 23-Dec 1912 3200 24
Rhoades Austin Calvin 10-May 1876 27-Oct 1958 3200 24
Rhoades Gertrude C 19-Apr 1892 16-Dec 1981 3200 24 Mother
Rhode J P 10-Jun 1910 2-Feb 1992WW II 1304 38 CCM US Navy
Rhode Cennet 5-Mar 1923 1304 38
Rhode Eva Caraway 10-Jul 1881 10-Dec 1975 1304 38
Rhode L D 25-Aug 1877 30-Jan 1919 1304 38
Rhoderick Bernard J 28-Jul 1868 29-Nov 1913 4 95 31
Rhoderick Sarah Frances 10-Nov 1873 27-Dec 1948 4 95 31
Rhodes Donald 22-Sep 1934 18-Jan 1938 1247 34
Rhodes Lurah B 5-Jul 1888 31-Mar 1969 1247 34
Rhodes Maudena Webb 1917 1985 1247 34
Rhodes William Dusty 1963 1975 1247 34
Rhodes William Avis 1908 1973 1247 34
Rhodes William M 14-Oct 1875 1-May 1961 1247 34
Rhodes John Wesley 28-Aug 1882 3-Aug 1962 3307 38 Mason
Rhodes Oda Pearl 14-Feb 1890 28-Dec 1973 3307 38
Rhodes Rosa 18-May 1886 14-Mar 1930 4307 38
Rhodes Sim Dusty 19-May 1914 19-Jun 1947 2432 8
Rhodes William Grady 1-Sep 1943 17-Sep 1961 2432 8
Rhodes Mary Sue 23-Sep 1941 2-Nov 1963 3537 56
Rhodes Emma Sue 4-Jun 1912 23-Apr 1979 3537 56
Rhodes Hubert 6-Dec 1912 11-Jul 1984 3537 56
Rice Newell 16-Feb 1898 3-Jun 1993 1 57 23
Rice Otto Louis 1-Apr 1896 9-Sep 1967WW I 33 Pfc Co A 52 Engineers
Rich Alton L. 1921 1952 1370 1 Daddy we will meet again
Rich Beulah Gertrude 6-Jan 1899 15-Aug 1986 3420 6 Mama-in Gods care
Rich Claude Cecil 14-Nov 1896 19-Oct 1988 3420 6 Daddy-in Gods care
Richards Annie Deering 28-Mar 1868 19-Sep 1927 2156 14 Mother
Richards Beatrice Unmarked 4156 14
Richards G M 1-Sep 1960 27-Feb 1956 4156 14 Father
Richards Leucile Unmarked 4156 14
Richards Ralph M 11-Jun 1934 12-Dec 1951 4484 48
Richards T M 27-Aug 1895 2-Jan 1915 2C 13 Loved ones weep not for me
Richards Willis Lindsey 24-Sep 1870 28-Jun 1950 2C 13
Richards, T J Purchase Unmarked 4 78 32
Richardson Goldie V 6-Apr 1886 17-Oct 1969 3564 58 Our mother
Richardson William J 28-Jun 1895 31-Dec 1957WW I 3564 58 Texas Pfc Co F 144 Infantry
Richerson Homer Si "Fuzz" 25-Sep 1917 22-Dec 1998 3509 47
Richerson Dora Lucille 7-Sep 1917 3-Jan 1982 3509 47
Richey Ila Mae 18-Dec 1929 8-Nov 1994 1232 27 Beloved Mother
Richey Alice Marie 15-Sep 1939 3615 61 Infant daughter of John & Phyllis Richey
Richey Phyliss G 4-Mar 1918 27-Sep 1985 3615 61 Married Mar 15 1936
Richey John O 24-Jun 1917 29-Aug 1992 3615 61 Married Mar 15 1936
Riddle Doyle Frank 15-Mar 1935 17-Oct 1959WW II 2463 43 Texas PFC US Army
Riddle Chester Unmarked 2463 43
Riddle, E A Purchase Unmarked 1 7 12
Rigdon, O F Purchase Unmarked 1 73 31
Riley Nathel Lamberson & ba 12-Apr 1907 11-Jul 1935 2176 19
Riley Mary Ann LVN 25-Jul 1929 25-Sep 1998 2181 29 Mom we loved you & now we miss you so, Jan Jim & Vickie
Riley Hugh L. 25-Jun 1881 9-Oct 1935 4254 35
Riley James Arthur 3-Dec 1913 10-Dec 1977WWII 4254 35 S1 US Navy
Riley Johnnie Clyde 5-May 1883 11-Nov 1959 4254 35
Riley Alta K 1892 1970 4289 34
Riley Eugene 1928 1945 4289 34 Son-in loving memory
Riley Robert R 1875 1963 4289 34
Riley Jo Ann 5-Mar 1938 5-Mar 1938 2306 38 Infant daughter of M/M Fred Riley
Riley Kennith 1910 1930 2306 38 Son-in loving memory
Riley Leona 1922 1941 2306 38 Daughter
Riley Jerry Tom "Chick" 15-Oct 1942 28-Jul 1975Vietnam 3466 44 SP 5 US Army
Riley M Faye 27-May 1918 13-Nov 1998 3466 44 Mom
Riley J Fred Sr 7-Nov 1914 20-Sep 1996 3466 44 Dad
Riley Lorene Brock 11-Sep 1921 14-Feb 1999 1526 43
Riley Leon B 27-Jun 1924 12-Aug 1993 1526 43
Riley Bessie D 20-Oct 1889 30-Aug 1980 4606 59
Riley J Nelson 27-May 1887 20-Aug 1969 4606 59
Riley Mary Katherine 24-Mar 1928 24-Nov 1985 3613 60 Married Jan 28 1946
Riley H L Jr 23-Jul 1918 4-Mar 1998WW ll 3613 60 US Army Mar Jan 28 1946
Riley Callie G 19-Oct 1913 6-Feb 1998 3638 67 Wife-in loving memory
Riley John Garvin 30-Nov 1950 1-Dec 1950 3638 67
Riley Hal E 17-Dec 1907 28-Feb 1983 3638 67 Husband-in loving memory
Riley Pete 3-Feb 1909 28-Dec 1987 2641 67 Wed Jan 4 1936
Riley Louise 15-Aug 1914 2641 67 Wed Jan 4 1936
Riley Bessie Pauline 17-Sep 1920 25-May 1994 2646 69
Riley, T S Purchase Unmarked 3268 38
Rippetoe Dora Lee 22-May 1894 13-Jan 1990 4445 10
Rippetoe George M 1886 1954 3464 43
Rippetoe Geneva M 1886 1957 3464 43
Rippy Luetta Patria 19-May 1883 5-Feb 1964 2307 38
Risley Charles L 3-Aug 1895 4-Jun 1959 2416 6
Risley Carlisle 1857 1949 2422 7
Risley Martha Caroline 1862 1946 2422 7
Risley Icy Stanford 7-Oct 1883 1-Mar 1970 1613 60 Mother, in loving memory
Risley Adam Francis 9-Apr 1886 15-Aug 1975 1613 60 Father, in loving memory
Risley Melba Leane 4-Dec 1916 30-Dec 1999 2613 60
Ritchie Roy E 14-Feb 1919 12-Jan 1994WW II 4693 68 Pfc US Army Air Corp-daddy & grandpa
Ritchie Raylene V 12-Jan 1930 4693 68 Momma & grandma-mar Jul 24 1947
Ritt Gus 1883 1965 1 33
Ritter Mildred M 30-Jul 1908 14-Jan 1984 1640 67
Ritter Joe Ben 7-Mar 1898 25-Mar 1976 1640 67
Roach Baby 1926 1926 1216 27
Roberson F M 1858 1932 3306 40 Father
Roberson Frank Bailey 27-Mar 1908 11-Mar 1984WWII 3306 40 SSGT US ARMY
Roberson Magnolia Ann 21-Apr 1866 20-Mar 1951 3306 40
Roberson Marion 7-Jun 1852 2-Mar 1930 3306 40
Roberson Inf. Dau 16-Oct 1929 3320 29
Roberson Joy Fern 27-Apr 1903 1-Jun 1993 3320 29 Mar Oct 27 1927
Roberson June Roy 24-Feb 1894 11-May 1967WW I 3320 29 Mar Oct 27 1927-Pvt 14 Prov Sup Co QMC
Roberson Stacy Todd 15-Jun 1966 7-Jun 1986 3320 29 (verse of poetry)
Roberson Marion Francis 7-Jun 1852 2-Mar 1932 3366 40
Roberson Magnolia Ann 21-Apr 1866 20-Mar 1951 3366 40
Roberson Frank Bailey 27-Mar 1908 11-Mar 1984WW II 3366 40 S Sgt US Army
Roberts Mattie Irene 24-Sep 1924 21-Jan 2000 A 288 34 Wife mother & grandmother-EOS
Roberts J T "Jake" 15-Jan 1920 15-Feb 1997WW II A 288 34 GMI US Navy-Mason
Roberts Bennie R 3-Oct 1911 13-Feb 1988WWII A 288 34 Pvt US Army
Roberts Edith Marie 1923 1940 A 288 34 Daughter
Roberts W. T. "Tom" 12-Aug 1896 26-Sep 1967 A 288 34 Daddy
Roberts Lilla M 2-Mar 1902 25-Jul 1979 A 288 34 Mama
Roberts Inez 14-Dec 1885 26-Mar 1967 4441 9
Roberts Sam Stephens 1884 1950 4441 9
Roberts Ella 3-Jan 1866 13-Jul 1934 1609 59 Her memory is blessed
Roberts Daughter of J H & Ella 19-Dec 1901 1609 59 Our baby age 6 mo 17 days, budded on earth to bloom in heaven
Roberts J H 16-Feb 1860 30-Sep 1919 1609 59 His memory is blessed
Roberts Pauline 28-Jun 1906 4-Nov 1973 3609 59
Roberts Oscar Douglas 24-Feb 1896 14-May 1978 3609 59
Roberts Doris Romona 10-Nov 1928 27-Oct 1972 2E 23
Roberts Josie Conn Aduddell 6-Apr 1884 13-Dec 1971 2E 23 Eastern Star
Roberts Burlee Lee 1917 1993 2E 23
Roberts Charlie "Buck" 2-Jun 1901 17-Feb 1964 4554 56 In God we trust
Robertson Opal Terry 26-Dec 1907 30-Jul 1939 1116 16
Robertson Minnie Ann 23-Jul 1882 31-Aug 1969 2116 16
Robertson Myles Hany 15-Oct 1870 21-Feb 1939 2116 16
Robertson Margaret Edna 18-Jun 1862 29-Mar 1935 3139 18
Robertson William Augustus 7-Dec 1861 9-May 1942 3139 18
Robertson Sallie E 8-Jul 1901 10-Aug 1974 1527 43 Wife & mother, in loving memory
Robertson George Andrew 17-Aug 1900 1-Feb 1994 1527 43 Husband & father, in loving memory
Robertson Ina Ann 11-Sep 1896 22-Nov 1968 3527 43
Robertson James Alonza 16-Jan 1894 29-Nov 1970 3527 43
Robertson Geraldine Hommel 10-Oct 1927 28-Feb 1983 2543 53 In loving memory
Robertson Edith Faye Black "Edi 18-Jun 1955 20-May 1987 1690 67 Wife & mother
Robertson Dennis W 3-Oct 1913 5-May 1939 4303 37
Robinson Henry 11-May 1842 14-Jan 1901 3 32 12
Robinson P. H. 2-Jun 1860 30-May 1936 4120 17
Robinson Baby 4120 17
Robinson Lawlas Loyd 21-Oct 1911 26-Jun 1960WW II 1287 34 TX TEC 5 US Army
Robinson Luther C. Sr. 5-Jun 1882 27-Jan 1937 1287 34 In memory of our father & grandfather-life is a journey homeward bound
Robinson Kenneth R 14-Apr 1934 19-Oct 1984 4467 44 "Pappy"
Robinson Lois 26-Mar 1907 24-Dec 1996 4476 46 Mother, At rest
Robinson A G "Dock" 2-Jul 1902 2-Feb 1950 4476 46 Daddy, At rest
Robinson J M 1-Mar 1874 12-May 1954 2513 46
Robinson Florence P 22-Mar 1879 3-Jan 1975 2513 46
Robinson William K 25-May 1878 4-Sep 1968 4575 51 Mason "B OF L E"
Rodgers Beatrice McCracken 16-Dec 1912 25-Feb 1995 1223 29 He shall give his angels charge over there
Rodgers Thad Simmons 25-Sep 1906 2-Jul 1992WW II 3223 29 Machinists 1st class USNR
Rodgers Beulah S. 18-Feb 1885 30-Mar 1922 3223 29 Wife of JP Rodgers-only sleeping, Mother we miss thee
Rodgers James Avis 3-Dec 1907 8-Dec 1961WW II 3223 29 TX AMMI USNR-American Legion
Rodgers James Pinkney 25-Sep 1879 15-Apr 1970 3223 29 American Legion
Rodke Frances Hott Gregory 6-Feb 1921 25-Sep 1984 4224 29 Daughter of A O Hott
Roe, Tom Purchase Unmarked 1122 17
Rogers Starling John 5-Mar 1900 11-Feb 1963 3407 5 Our dad
Rolf Bessie Amelia Sloan 16-Dec 1886 10-Oct 1976 1246 24
Rolls Wanda Nell 17-Feb 1921 11-Mar 1992 4552 55 In loving memory
Ross Daniel Perry 30-Mar 1856 4-Sep 1932 2158 14 At rest
Ross Ella 29-Jan 1863 1-Jan 1949 2158 14 At rest
Ross John Davis 7-Apr 1853 17-Apr 1913 2158 14
Ross James Raymond 1-Mar 1908 16-Feb 1990WW II 1226 29 Y2 US Navy
Ross Jean Catherine Bourla 1-Jun 1915 14-Dec 1999 1226 29
Ross, Wm Purchase Unmarked 4 94 31
Row Fred Lewis 19-Sep 1924 27-Feb 1997WW II 2476 46 S Sgt US Army
Row Gene Albert 17-Sep 1915 28-Jan 1985WW II 2476 46 TEC 5 US Army
Row Joseph S 1878 1950 2476 46
Rowe Flora 22-Mar 1900 13-Mar 1980 4686 66 Married Sep 12 1920
Rowe W R "Bill" 7-Nov 1900 7-Aug 1981 4686 66 Married Sep 12 1920
Rowe Vera E Rhea Stephens 1905 1980 4144 16 In loving memory
Rowland Addie Kimmel 12-Nov 1870 28-Jun 1940 3362 40
Rowland James William 17-Oct 1863 5-Mar 1945 3362 40
Roy Purchase Unmarked 1157 14
Roy Pearl M 26-Nov 1892 16-May 1962 2536 51 Mom
Roy Van D 27-Nov 1895 10-May 1959 2536 51 Daddy
Ruddell Harry M. 1878 1938 3299 36 A kindly heart
Ruddell Loula 1881 1968 3299 36
Rumans John M. 1846 1930 3 73 31 FATHER
Rumans Julia 5-Nov 1856 8-Oct 1901 3 73 31 MAMA Wife of J.M. Rumans At Rest
Rush Catherine 22-Dec 1839 8-Mar 1921 3305 38 Wife of Sylvanus Rush
Russell E. P. 28-Sep 1859 15-Jan 1945 4387 3 At rest
Russell Lara Jane 19-Jul 1861 7-Dec 1946 4387 3 At rest
Russell Fred 18-Jul 1897 25-Dec 1991 3436 8 Last of the old cowboys
Russell Edna Geneva 14-Jan 1900 29-Apr 1969 3436 8
Russell Jewel A. 16-May 1903 12-Feb 1941 3436 8 MOTHER A Jewel on Earth
Russell Hattie Jane 8-Mar 1897 14-Aug 1979 4436 8
Russell Cleo Emerson 8-Apr 1923 15-Aug 1999WW ll 3436 8 US Army
Russell Bart 29-Oct 1872 26-Oct 1960 3505 48
Russell Henry 13-Feb 1902 10-Mar 1983 3505 48
Russell Houston 29-Feb 1908 22-Jun 1980 3505 48
Russell Maggey 4-Nov 1883 30-Jun 1955 3505 48
Russell Bernice L 1917 1995 1673 63 Love, Harold
Rutherford Alice Been 12-May 1873 25-Jul 1918 3186 28 Wife of J.H. Rutherford
Rutherford J. H. 24-Mar 1868 7-Jan 1932 3186 28 Father
Rutherford Vivian 3-Dec 1900 28-Oct 1901 3186 28 Daughter of JH & Alice Rutherford-little sunshie
Rutherford Unable to read 3186 28
Rutherford Julia W 8-Apr 1894 7-Nov 1977 4525 43
Ryan Purchase Unmarked 2203 24
Ryan Ada Spears 1857 1951 4246 24
Ryan Emily Gentry 1888 1975 4246 24
Ryan George A 1886 1957 4246 24
Ryan John W 1891 1936 4246 24
Ryan Nellie 26-Dec 1887 3-Aug 1910 4246 24
Ryan Maud Mae 19-Jul 1892 8-Feb 1960 1493 50 In loving memory
Ryan John Earl Sr 4-Jun 1890 20-Mar 1976 1493 50 In loving memory
This page was last updated September 10, 2002.