Citizens Cemetery
transcription submitted by Paula Hayworth
updates submitted by Billie Harris Shaffer
Citizens Cemetery, Clarendon, Donley County, Texas (T)
Submitted by Paula Hayworth
Transcribed by Jo Shaller, JoAnne Brown, Paula Hayworth.
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Gloria B. Mayfield
TX Tombstone Project ManagerThe submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.
Surnames beginning with 'T'
LastName OtherNames Birthdate BirthYearDeathDateDeathYearOther LotBlkSection Inscription
Taber Purchase Unmarked 4 18 12
Talley May Crickett 9-May 1891 6-Jan 1984 1106 22 In loving memory
Talley Mrs Mary J 21-Jan 1857 17-Dec 1931 2106 22
Talley R. W. 8-Apr 1858 15-Apr 1943 2106 22
Talley C. J. 9-Apr 1871 25-Aug 1938 1297 36
Talley M. Elizabeth 16-Feb 1877 16-Aug 1966 1297 36
Talley Alleen Leora 1906 1952 3297 36
Talley John Chester 1902 1984 3297 36
Talley James L 11-Jun 1875 9-Feb 1955 1407 5 A loving father & a faithful husband
Talley Mattie B 3-Mar 1887 20-Nov 1946 1407 5 A tender mother & a faithful wife
Talley Doris Maxey 21-May 1909 27-Dec 1998 1506 48 Mother
Talley Alice Thereshia 3-Jul 1901 10-Sep 1974 3566 59 Mother, in loving memory
Talley Thomas Jefferson 7-Oct 1896 25-Apr 1960 3566 59 Daddy, in loving memory
Talley Wanna Mae 29-Apr 1920 28-Jul 1990 1590 55 A loving mother, a faithful wife
Talley Emery Wendman 18-Feb 1911 31-Jul 1978 1590 55 A loving father, a faithful husband
Talley Carl Mack 27-Aug 1941 18-Dec 1964 3597 56
Talley Connie Gertrude 25-Nov 1908 7-Sep 1975 3597 56
Talley Edgar Matthew 8-Apr 1907 7-Sep 1975 3597 56
Talley Joe C 17-Mar 1895 10-Nov 1969 2514 46
Talley Rhoda Mae 18-Feb 1905 30-Apr 2000 2514 46
Tankersley John S "Sam" Jun 1888Apr 1958 4537 56
Tarhan, F Purchase Unmarked 1167 16
Tate Mary I 8-Mar 1873 24-Jan 1948 3450 10
Tate William H 4-Sep 1875 11-May 1957 3450 10
Tatum Benton B 1894 1965 2304 38
Tatum Francis B 1897 1971 2304 38 May she rest in peace
Tatum Francis 1863 1971 3304 38
Tatum Edward R 2-Feb 1865 2-Nov 1921 3304 38
Tatum Henry Grady 4-Dec 1901 15-May 1971 4442 9 In loving memory
Tatum Ona Jo 6-Oct 1904 27-Dec 1968 4442 9 In loving memory
Taylor Nora Baker 8-May 1878 15-Sep 1905 2 16 11
Taylor H. W. 15-Aug 1850 17-Oct 1936 2 28 13
Taylor Mrs. H. W. 26-Jul 1854 7-Feb 1935 2 28 13
Taylor Forest W. 27-Oct 1889 20-Feb 1941 3 28 13
Taylor Crockett W. 1878 1958 4 41 23
Taylor Willis D 1881 1974 4 41 23
Taylor E A 27-Oct 1856 19-Oct 1926 2236 26 Father, Oh Lord, thy precious humble poor are bidding us farewell. Thy grace has made their passport sure in heaven now to dwell
Taylor Sarah C 25-Feb 1859 1-Feb 1933 2236 26 Mother, Oh Lord, they precious humble poor are bidding us farewell. They grace has made their passport sure in heaven now to dwell
Taylor Lindsey L. 19-May 1899 11-Aug 1977WW I 4241 25 Cpl US Army
Taylor Joel Anderson 15-Feb 1880 27-Feb 1961 3286 34
Taylor Doskey Valentine 14-Feb 1885 4-Feb 1972 3286 34
Taylor Jo Ann 27-Sep 1937 26-Sep 1939 3286 34
Taylor O. B. 6-Jan 1915 30-Dec 1964 3286 34
Taylor Clifford Smith 15-Aug 1918 21-Feb 1985WW II 4286 34 Pfc US Army
Taylor Ethan Hawke 1944 1994 4286 34
Taylor J. D. 29-Nov 1912 1-Apr 1970 4286 34
Taylor Guy 27-Feb 1874 31-Oct 1935 1341 30
Taylor Laura S. 5-Jun 1881 10-Jul 1953 1341 30
Taylor Julia May 1873 1970 2378 2
Taylor L. L. 13-Jan 1872 16-Nov 1947 2378 2
Taylor Roy D. 1933 1943 1400 4 In loving memory
Taylor Velma Iva 4-Aug 1915 1400 4 Mom, married Dec 31 1932
Taylor Lonnie Roy 8-Jun 1910 23-Dec 1987 1400 4 Dad, married Dec 3l l932
Taylor Edwin B 30-Apr 1913 13-Jan 1964 2423 7
Taylor June W. 1-Jun 1880 10-Sep 1959 2423 7 Mason
Taylor Loxa M. 24-Oct 1885 7-Jun 1960 2423 7
Taylor Alfred W. 15-Dec 1908 5-Aug 1964WW II 3423 7 Texas BMI US Navy
Taylor Mark W 14-Jul 1914 2-Sep 1957WW II Ko 3423 7 1st Lt AF Res
Taylor Augusta M "Dusty" 10-Jun 1894 7-Jun 1971WW I 2497 50 Texas Cpl Co H 142 Infratry
Taylor Anna Bea 18-Jul 1900 10-Aug 1982 2497 50
Taylor Lois Olga 30-Jan 1899 8-Feb 1989 2573 60
Taylor Homer Walter 5-Oct 1899 22-Jun 1975 2573 60
Taylor Dorothy Alice Richey 29-Apr 1947 16-Feb 2001 3615 61
Taylor Virginia Lee Middleto 6-Mar 1945 6-Jan 2001 3652 70
Taylor Mary Ernestine "Tina" 1-Nov 1938 2-Oct 1983 4674 63
Taylor Minnie R. 27-May 1885 3-Aug 1976 4b 22
Taylor Walter W. 8-Sep 1882 11-Nov 1962 4b 22
Taylor Ernest Blankenship 23-Aug 1916 28-Aug 2001
Teague Pearl Lane 20-Dec 1888 16-Nov 1963 4 26 13
Teague E. A. 28-Apr 1853 24-May 1923 3259 37
Teague Floyd E. 20-Apr 1887 25-Jun 1966 3259 37
Teague S. E. 15-Apr 1859 10-Aug 1944 3259 37
Teague Simon T. 17-Apr 1871 9-Jul 1951 4483 48 Uncle
Teague Bobby Allen 23-Dec 1937 29-Apr 2001 4677 64
Teakell David 7-Oct 1928 25-Jan 1974 2450 10 Dad-Mason
Teakell Wanda M 21-Jan 1937 7-Sep 1975 2450 10 Mother-in loving memory Eastern Star
Teel George J 19-Sep 1862 10-May 1944 3160 15
Teel Mary Emma 31-Jul 1870 12-Jan 1968 3160 15
Terrell Mrs. Emma 8-Oct 1880 2-Apr 1939 1238 26 Mother
Terrell Wm. Henry 17-Feb 1867 12-Sep 1933 1238 26 Father
Terry Annie Pearl 1891 1965 4 19 12
Terry Jess Unmarked 4 19 12
Terry Joseph Unmarked 4 19 12
Terry Vince 3-Feb 1859 23-Apr 1912 4201 24 None knew thee but to love thee
Terry Michael David 25-Jan 1956 16-May 1979 3687 66
Thomas Mary 17-May 1896 17-Jul 1898 2 54 21 Dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Thomas
Thomas Annie P. 15-Sep 1890 24-Apr 1969 1135 19
Thomas Archie Unmarked 1135 19
Thomas Tom 18-Oct 1876 30-Dec 1961 1135 19
Thomas Jimmie 26-Oct 1919 3135 19 Daughter of Mr. & Mrs Tom Thomas
Thomas Lester Flake 8-Feb 1906 15-Oct 1953 2140 17
Thomas Mattie E. 21-Nov 1854 2-Dec 1931 2140 17 MOTHER
Thomas R. O. 22-Jan 1843 1-Jan 1923 2140 17
Thomas Velma Lucile 10-Jun 1913 29-Jan 1920 4171 17
Thomas Mae Rochelle 2-Sep 1886 28-Dec 1974 4171 17
Thomas Richard Oldham 26-May 1878 6-Nov 1965 4171 17
Thomas Bertha Mae 12-Feb 1923 17-Mar 1991 4171 17
Thomas Lou Allen 11-Jun 1891 12-Dec 1939 3220 28 Mother
Thomas R. H. 5-Jul 1917 5-Feb 1933 2354 40
Thomas William Alvin 1870 1950 4477 46
Thomas Lillian C 1-Dec 1910 14-Feb 1975 3503 49 In loving memory
Thomas Frank B 18-Aug 1905 21-Jun 1979 3503 49 In loving memory
Thomas Emily Curtis 27-Oct 1877 7-Nov 1955 3503 49 In loving memory
Thomas John Dawson 20-Aug 1876 26-Feb 1957 3503 49 In loving memory
Thomas Opal Lee 2-Jun 1917 1543 53 Wed Oct 15 1939
Thomas Albert Lee 18-Jun 1905 25-Mar 1976 1543 53 Wed Oct 15 1939
Thomas Melton George " M G" 1935 1988 2590 55
Thomas Lilly Estell 16-Sep 1922 24-Oct 2000 1619 62 Beloved wife & Mother, joined together Sep 7 1940
Thomas William Lloyd 30-Jan 1916 14-Mar 1992 1619 62 Beloved husband & father, Joined together Sep 7 1940, Rest in peace
Thomas Annie Ruth 16-Aug 1902 26-Sep 1980 3646 69 Wife & sweetheart-in loving memory
Thomas Oscar H 17-May 1903 3-Jun 1985 3646 69
Thomas C Onita 1-Mar 1937 3691 67 In God's care
Thomas Claude I 30-Dec 1932 29-May 1997 3691 67 In God's care
Thomason Arval Mitchel 1-Jan 1935 3-Dec 1936 3312 29
Thomason Alice M 1897 2538 52
Thomason Arvel P 1893 1971 2538 52
Thomason Frank L 4-Feb 1905 24-Feb 1992 3644 68
Thomason Annie Ruth Capps 7-Jan 1914 27-Mar 2001 3644 68
Thompson Lucille Beverly 24-Sep 1910 7-Nov 1916 4 28 13 My baby
Thompson Ella Barton 1863 1924 2180 29
Thompson J. A. 1862 1934 2180 29
Thompson Charles Eugene 17-Sep 1924 13-Oct 1940 2288 34 We will meet again
Thompson Annie Lee 17-Dec 1937 31-Jan 1939 3346 30
Thompson Cordia Mae 5-Nov 1907 7-Dec 1968 3346 30
Thompson Nann Ree 17-Dec 1937 5-Feb 1940 3346 30
Thompson Parmer Otto 15-Sep 1899 7-Dec 1940 3346 30
Thompson Joe K 19-Jan 1908 15-Nov 1969WW II 4403 4 Texas Pvt US Army
Thompson J. O. 1862 1944 4403 4
Thompson Judge A. 29-Apr 1905 6-May 1971WW II 4403 4 Texas Pvt Medical Dept
Thompson Mattie Knox 1876 1961 4403 4
Thompson Emmett 1914 1990 2409 5
Thompson Emmett Randall 10-Aug 1941 13-Mar 1949 2409 5 Beloved son
Thompson Herschel H 22-Dec 1915 8-Nov 1981WW II 1445 10 S1 US Navy
Thompson Bernice 21-May 1901 16-Sep 1994 1474 46
Thompson Oscar Henry 1-Jan 1898 9-May 1962 1474 46
Thompson George McClellan Jr 6-Apr 1908 23-Jul 1968 4474 46 In loving memory, Mason
Thompson Ethel Forte 1895 1952 1481 47
Thompson Velma Neel 1893 1948 1481 47
Thompson Louie E 1893 1961 1481 47 Mason
Thompson Hattie L 12-Sep 1902 17-Jul 1983 1612 60
Thompson D Paul 21-Feb 1901 27-Aug 1972 1612 60
Thompson Carol J 24-Aug 1950 9-Apr 1984 1644 68 Our love to our loving wife & mother-The Lord is my shepherd
Thompson Fannie Merle Harp 16-Jul 1913 16-Aug 1995 1644 68 In loving memory
Thornberry Rosa Lee Rhodes 26-Jul 1917 29-Jan 1981 2432 8
Thornberry Isabelle Wright 7-Sep 1915 29-Apr 1960 2501 49 Wife
Thornberry Martin Wayne 27-Jul 1914 16-Jul 1983 2501 49
Thornberry Sarah Iola 1878 1957 1502 49 Mother
Thornberry Andrew L 1875 1958 1502 49 Father
Thornberry Mary Geyer 22-Jun 1903 20-Oct 1986 1502 49
Thornberry William C 28-May 1901 13-May 1978 1502 49
Thurmond Purchase Unmarked 2 76 31
Tibbets Kenneth Lee 10-Oct 1923 28-Apr 1926 4118 16
Tice William Henry 28-Jul 1892 17-Feb 1939 3116 16
Tice Nannie 1882 1940 4392 3 Mother, in loving memory
Tice Tillman E. 1881 1946 4392 3 Father, in loving memory
Tims Veta "Granny" 19-Mar 1913 1635 66 At rest
Tims W G "Pa Pa" 28-Sep 1909 6-Jul 1979 1635 66 At rest
Tinkle Allie D. 22-Jun 1876 20-Sep 1906 2 23 13 Wife of T. M. Tinkle
Tipton Dee A. 19-Jan 1921 9-Feb 1921 3172 18
Tipton Earnest A. "Tip" 8-Dec 1914 14-Oct 1985 3172 18 Mason
Tipton Mildred M 6-Dec 1919 7-Dec 1919 3172 18
Tittle Jeanne Gray 20-Aug 1944 21-Dec 1998 1555 56 We love ya mom
Todd Atha P. 26-Sep 1876 10-Apr 1947 2128 19
Todd Mary G. 14-May 1880 18-Apr 1964 2128 19
Todd Claudine S. 24-Jan 1911 4128 19 Wife of Bill Todd
Todd Milton Lewis "Bill" 21-Jan 1908 4-Oct 1984WW II 4128 19 PHMI US Navy
Todd Roy Herbert 23-May 1892 17-Feb 1964WW I 1575 51 Texas PFC Aux RMT Depot OMC
Tolbert Ola Mae 1920 3285 34 Married Nov.3, 1934
Tolbert Ralph "Bub" 1915 1969 3285 34 Married Nov.3, 1934
Tolbert Lorene M 3-Oct 1921 5-Oct 1953 3493 50
Tolbert Samuel James "Shorty" 12-Sep 1917 22-Jun 1995 3493 50
Tolbert Evelyn Frances 15-Feb 1908 3-Oct 1992 4493 50
Tolbert Daisie Belle 31-Jul 1895 24-Apr 1989 1496 50
Tolbert Alfie Thedore 4-Mar 1985 12-Feb 1962 1496 50
Tolbert Jo Evelyn 27-Nov 1924 1496 50 Married Mar 29 1945
Tolbert Scottie Ray 17-May 1927 14-Aug 1979 1496 50 Married Mar 29 1945
Tolbert Betty Owesa 9-Feb 1927 3496 50
Tolbert Robert L Sr 7-Dec 1924 12-Jun 1994WW II 3496 50 US Army
Toler George Unmarked 3515 46
Tomb Julia A 20-Sep 1860 5-Jan 1939 2 91 32
Tomlinson Mrs. S. R. 13-Jul 1870 4-Dec 1953 3330 30
Tomlinson S. R. 15-Oct 1863 28-Sep 1930 3330 30
Tomlinson Wm. Albert 1895 1938 1362 40
Tomlinson Inez 28-Oct 1923 9-Jul 1956 3489 49 Mother
Tomlinson Donley C 13-Sep 1909 3-Mar 1962WW II 3489 49 TX Sgt US Army
Tomlinson Sam R 1-Apr 1904 12-Dec 1961 3497 50
Towle Charles W 1859 1939 1146 16
Townson Alice Irene 1879 1944 2224 29 Mother-In loving memory
Tozier Charles H. 26-Oct 1880 15-Apr 1936Sp-Amer 2302 37 Co 3 Regt TX Inf
Tracy Purchase Unmarked 1 91 32
Tracy Carolyn Faye 6-Feb 1941 1-Jun 1961 4372 1
Tralytill, B S Purchase Unmarked 3 58 23
Travis Edna Morgan 24-Nov 1896 14-Dec 1988 4 67 32 Beloved parents of Robert Lillard Travis 1920, Edna Earle Travis Graham 1930
Travis Harry Curtis 2-Jul 1883 23-Feb 1933 4 67 32 Beloved parents of Robert Lillard Travis 1920, Edna Earle Travis Graham 1930
Trent James 1864 1952 1 80 32 Mason
Trent Charles Bert 14-Sep 1896 20-Mar 1962WW I 1 80 32 TX Pfc Air Service
Trent Florence G. 1-Apr 1873 4-Nov 1967 1 80 32
Trent George Graham 22-Jun 1898 18-Mar 1900 1 80 32 Son of J & E F Trent
Trent Mantie 1897 1935 1 80 32
Troup Charles J. Oct 1894Dec 1894 2 90 32 Children of Wm & Elizabeth Troup
Troup Elizabeth 17-Jan 1864 16-Feb 1898 2 90 32 Wife of William Troup
Troup Lillie May May 1896May 1896 2 90 32 Children of Wm & Elizabeth Troup
Trout Avie Mace 26-Jun 1874 16-Jun 1912 1 9 11 Wife of O. J. Trout
Trout Ollie J. 23-Jan 1868 6-Feb 1941 1 9 11
Trout Cleta 6-Nov 1922 11-Sep 1923 4137 18 Daughter of M.H. & Ollie Trout ONLY SLEEPING
Trout M. H. Jr. 19-Sep 1932 16-Mar 1934 4137 18 Son of M.H. & Ollie Trout ONLY SLEEPING
Trout Sandra Jeanne Bowling 28-May 1940 14-Nov 1957 1386 3 Our darling
Trout Ella Mae 22-Jan 1909 11-Jul 1994 2686 66
Trout Mayburn 24-Jan 1910 1-Jan 1980 2686 66
Truett Judy Lynn 15-Jul 1950 1-Jan 1951 1 88 33
Trussell Laura Fay 5-Oct 1904 6-Jun 1948 2224 29 Great loves live on
Trussell T W "Cotton" 1902 1966 2224 29
Trussell Jack F 11-Aug 1932 3-Apr 1993Korea 2239 25 Pvt US Marine-Brother Husband Father
Tubb Purchase Unmarked 4153 14
Tucker James M. 17-Jan 1856 27-Nov 1938 4125 18
Tucker Mary E. 19-Jun 1863 13-Jul 1937 4125 18
Tucker Eula Ethel 20-Feb 1899 23-Feb 1968 4315 20
Tucker Luther D 20-Nov 1941 4315 20 Texas Sgt. Q.M. Corps
Tucker M. L. 1851 1936 4315 20 Father
Tucker Ardrey Mae 4-Feb 1902 9-Dec 1970 4323 39
Tucker Bright E. 6-Sep 1902 3-Aug 1972 4323 39
Tucker Carrie Dugan 5-Jan 1879 14-Nov 1952 4323 39
Tucker James R 14-Dec 1877 30-Jun 1936 4323 39
Tucker Franklin W. "Tom" 1-Jul 1887 11-Nov 1966WW I 1395 4 TX Cpl Med Det 345 Fld Arty
Tucker Laura Lillian 15-Apr 1896 18-Nov 1990 1395 4 Mama
Tucker Walton 30-Dec 1923 2-May 1945A/S 1395 4
Tucker Loyd B 15-Jun 1912 12-May 1979WW II & 4514 46 Sgt US Army
Tucker Vernon 1-Mar 1901 5-Dec 1963 4514 46
Tucker George D 14-Sep 1907 11-Feb 1981 4552 55
Tucker Horace G 29-Jul 1899 23-Dec 1979 4552 55
Tucker James Howard 25-Dec 1923 11-Jul 1999WW ll & 3624 63 2nd Lt Army Air Corp Purple Heart
Tuggle Alma(marker behind tree) 1446 10
Turland Ila Mae 12-Nov 1894 15-Jul 1979 3611 60 In loving memory
Turner Perry Raymond 8-Aug 1927 17-Aug 1928 3219 28 Child of Bulah Turner
Turner Robert William 1-Feb 1859 17-Nov 1921 2305 38
Turner George W 27-Dec 1933 27-Jan 1998WW ll US Army
Tyler Alta L 1904 1993 1295 35
Tyler Ernest L. 1907 1963 1295 35
Tyler Brenda Karen 2-Feb 1957 18-Sep 1960 3401 4 Budded on earth to bloom in heaven
Tyler Esma O Chanita 7-Sep 1930 18-Aug 1992 3401 4 His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me
Tyler Arthur Franklin 23-Aug 1926 5-Dec 1997 3401 4 His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me
Tyler Raymond T 28-Sep 1906 21-Jun 1986 2492 50
Tyler Irene Heckman 28-Jan 1911 28-Jun 2000 2492 50
Tyler Estalee 9-Oct 1925 3696 69 Mar-Jun 8 1946-loving parents of Barry Craig,E W "Ted"
Tyler E W "Dub" 4-Aug 1922 12-Jun 1999WW ll 3696 69 US Navy Mar Jun 8 1946
Tyler Ollie M 17-Feb 1902 26-Dec 1985 2580 52
Tyler L E 26-Feb 1892 4-Jul 1968 2580 52
Tyree H.J. 1867 1932 1285 34
Tyree Mattie 1868 1965 1285 34 MOTHER
Tyree Neva Ethel 1893 1950 1285 34
This page was last updated September 10, 2002.